Reliable, dependable and state of the art products.
This is what Nikai stands for. From product to performance and sales to after sales, Nikai is a brand that is truly visionary. The global conglomerate is built to deliver its promise of reliability and exceptional performance. Building on the success achieved over the last 25 YEARS, the NIKAI GROUP feels privileged to commence its operations in Egypt, a country that is going to play a key role in accelerating the growth prospects for the group within the Region.
About Nikai Egypt
With over 400 electronic and household appliances, Nikai has established itself as one of the leading electronic brands in over 60 countries. It has satisfied over 60 million consumers and will keep adding more as it keeps expanding its range of products in order to broaden its scope across borders. The company’s mission is to To build a diversified global business that provides reliable products, exceptional service and superior value to its customers.
نبذة عن نيكاي مصرمنتجات موثوقة وحديثة ويمكن الاعتماد عليها. وهذا ما ترمز إليه نيكاي. إذ تُعد نيكاي علامة تجارية مثالية للغاية من حيث المنتج ومرورا بالأداء ومن ثم البيع الى خدمات ما بعد البيع. فقد قامت هذه الشركة العالمية لتنفيذ ما تعهدت به من موثوقية وأداء استثنائي. وبعد النجاح الذي حققته على مدار الخمسة وعشرين عامًا الماضية، تشعر مجموعة نيكاي بالفخر لبدء عملياتها في مصر، البلد الذي سيلعب دورًا رئيسيًا في تسريع آفاق النمو للمجموعة داخل المنطقة. بأكثر من 400 جهاز إلكتروني ومنزلي، أكدت نيكاي وجودها كواحدة من العلامات التجارية الإلكترونية الرائدة في أكثر من 60 دولة. وقد حازت نيكاي رضا أكثر من 60 مليون مستهلك وسوف تستمر في إضافة المزيد مع استمرارها في توسيعحيز منتجاتها من أجل توسيع نطاقها عبر كل الحدود. وتتمثل رسالة الشركة في بناء أعمال عالمية متنوعة لتوفير منتجات مصداقية وخدمات استثنائية وقيما أرقى لعملائها.

Making an Impact Across the Globe
Paras Shahdadpuri shared his thought on expanding the business in Egypt. He said, “We are starting a new era for our company with the production of televisions and other small appliance units in Egypt. Despite global economic slowdown, it is pleasing to note that the consumer electronics industry has remained steady and I am sure that it will continue to remain strong. The Egypt expansion was on our radar for quite some time and we have been actively working on it since the last few years.
We believe that the Egypt market offers potential for growth across our category and expect the new region to significantly contribute to Nikai’s revenue in the coming years.
Given the ‘MAKE IN EGYPT’ initiative from the honorable government and the support that it renders to potential investors, this venture of NIKAI is seen as a significant game changer for the company in the near future. We are happy to have an option where we can offer a regional portfolio of products to our customers across the COMESA region thanks to our expansion in Egypt.
He added, “All major businesses across the GCC market will keep looking for avenues that are set up in Egypt and will look at contributing to the economy through active employment of the local workforce. This in turn will also help the brand absorb the regional understanding.